Thursday 12 December 2013


Today I'll talk about healthy way of coocking and, of course, photographing breakfast. Did you know that a lot of instagram users made their account to lose weight? They are photographing healthy food, hoping that it will help them to become more healthy. 
Anyway, on this accounts you can find a lot of useful recipes and some nice photos.
First one is from dagmara_ch.

This is almond milk oatmeal with apple, granola and blackberries. Also, check her account for more beautiful pictures.

Another healthy photo from moarr17.
This picture came from Russia. On russian language cookies  would be "печенье", pronounce as "pechenie". I think, this world describes  the essence  of cookies better than his english equivalent.
Shot from healthspodevote.
She is Swedish, vegetarian and call herself gymfreak.  On this photo is saffron pudding with cottage cheese. Saffron rice pudding is traditional food of middle east countries, like Iran. There is a site named after it, when you can find recipes and more interesting information about it  -
Here is some empanados from 100% Japanese, born in Ecuador user ayeungcstyle.
Another traditional food, this time from Spain. An empanada is bread of pastry folded around stuffing. Normally it's fruits, cheese or meet. 
This's all for now. Hope, you enjoyed food watching. 

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever thought about using Himalayan pink salt as a garnish for your recipes? It adds a lovely crunchy layer of texture to any dish.
